Establishing the best choice of services for persons living with psycho-affective and/or neuro-cognitive problems. May be used to elucidate treatment goals and provide recommendations for rehabilitation services when behavioural or cognitive difficulties are interfering with an individual's ability to benefit from care.
Psychology Counselling
Sessions are generally 50 minutes in duration plus another 10 minutes allocated to session notes and are adapted to meet the cognitive, emotional & behavioural needs of the client. The therapy frequency is based on individual needs.
Psychological Assessment
Addresses concerns about the psycho-affective status through:
• in-depth interview with the person receiving services
• optional interview(s) with other people who may provide relevant functional information
• identification of behavioural, emotional, and functional difficulties
• reliance on evidence-based methods and administration of validated psychological measures
Assessment duration: approximately 4 hours
A psychological report including diagnostic considerations and specific treatment recommendations or suggestions for additional evaluations, as required will be completed following the assessment. A feedback session may be scheduled to review the report and treatment recommendations.
Neuropsychological Assessment
Addresses concerns about functional changes associated with developmental delays, neurologic or neuropsychiatric conditions, and traumatic brain injury (mild, moderate, or severe) through:
• in-depth interview with the person receiving services
• optional interview(s) with other people who may provide relevant functional information
• identification of functional difficulties across the relevant cognitive domains
• reliance on evidence-based methods and administration of validated neuropsychological measures
Assessment duration: approximately 8 hours (1 or 2 sessions)
A neuropsychological report including diagnostic considerations, recommendations for care and rehabilitation, and suggestions for additional evaluations, as appropriate, will be completed following the assessment. A feedback session may be scheduled to review the findings and rehabilitation recommendations.
Catastrophic Impairment Assessments (CAT)
Under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS), a CAT assessment evaluates whether an insured person has sustained accident-related impairments meeting criteria for a catastrophic designation.
A core team of assessors is needed to complete a CAT. Healthcare provider disciplines asked to complete the assessment are generally comprised of:
• Physician (physiatrist, family physician, general internist,
and neurologist or neurosurgeon)
• Neuropsychologist
• Occupational therapist
In specific cases, other healthcare practitioners or professionals may be required to conduct a comprehensive assessment: audiologist, chiropractor, oral-maxillofacial specialist, physiotherapist, registered nurse, specialist physicians, and speech-language pathologist.
The CAT assessment process includes four steps:
1. Intake Step
o Organize materials
o Complete screening procedures
o Decide whether to proceed to the assessment
o Develop an assessment plan
o Complete all necessary forms
o Determine the claimant's special needs
o Assemble a healthcare provider team
2. File Review
3. Conduct Assessments
4. Reports and Executive Summary